Decoding purchase intent

Mastering customer signals for effective sales

390 kr
In the world of sales, decoding purchase intent is a crucial skill. It involves uncovering or interpreting a customer’s intention to buy a product or service. By analyzing various signals and behaviors, sales professionals can gauge whether a customer is ready to make a purchase. These signals can range from the pages a customer visits on a website, to the questions they ask in-store, or even their reaction to sales offers. Ultimately, it’s about understanding the customer’s mental process and decision-making stage, enabling you to predict when they ́re ready to buy.
Equally important is mastering customer signals for effective sales. This means becoming skilled at recognizing and interpreting the different cues that customers give. These signals might include body language, the questions they ask, or how they engage with marketing content. By mastering these signals, salespeople can adapt their approach to better meet the customer’s needs. This tailored approach leads to more successful sales outcomes, ensuring that you connect with your customers on a deeper level – and ultimately close more deals.
Kay Ellingsen is a highly accomplished professional with over 23 years of expertise in sales, service, and leadership, boasting a client base of 20,000 individuals. His impressive credentials include certifications in leadership and behavioral psychology, highlighting his skills as a Hypnotherapist and instructor in Performance and Team Leadership. Ellingsen’s dedication to knowledge sharing is evident through his authorship of seven textbooks on sales, service, and leadership. His diverse and profound background makes him a respected and influential figure in his field.
Nikolas Ellingsen is a seasoned salesperson with over 15 years of experience in marketing, sales, and management. He has successfully managed projects across various sales roles, including telephone advertisement and traveling sales with significant budget responsibilities. Certified in sales, service, and presentation leadership, Nikolas combines his extensive experience with a strategic approach to achieve results. He remains committed to continuous development and sees opportunities, where others see challenges.
  • ISBN: 9788230026854
  • Utgivelsesår: 2024
  • Språk: English
  • Format: Heftet
  • Emne(r): Salg og markedsføring
  • Aldersgruppe: Voksen
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